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Alphabetically arranged category-wise free PDFs, for your convenience & study
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- To begin downloading, select your area of interest below, click open, and start downloading respective files. If you have any suggestions, tell us here. If you love our Team's efforts, tell us here by a Testimonial :)
- India - Agricultural Production - 2nd AE - 2016-17 - Hindi
India - Agricultural Production - 2nd AE - 2016-17
National Horticulture Board - Annual Report 2015-16 - Hindi + English (80 MB)
India - Agricultural Production - 4th AE - 2015-16 - Hindi
India - Agricultural Production - 4th AE - 2015-16
Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme 2008
Research paper on Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme 2008
Agri Census India 2011 - Landholdings Report 1
Agri Census India 2011 - Landholdings Report 2
All India Agricultural Census 2010-11 - Full Report
State of Indian Agriculture 2015-16 - Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare - BRIGHT SPARKS BLOG
- 1. A call for Digital Independence for India
2. What is wrong with Indian education system?
3. अनेकों हिंदी लेख - विविध विषयों पर
4. Hundreds of topicwise Questions and Answers - useful for students
5. Emerging Asian mega-struggle
Tonnes of Q and A for Self-Development and Knowledge - CULTURE, CRIME, SOCIAL, YOGA
- 1. RSS - ##chevron-right## (a) Bharat Ekatmata Strot, ##chevron-right## (b) Guruji - Bunch of thought, ##chevron-right## (c) Dr Hedgewar, ##chevron-right## (d) Guruji Golwelkar
2. A manual of Yoga
- Indian Defence Scenario - MoD PIB GOI
Indian leaders on Tibet (1940s, 1950s) - a compilation from internet
Understanding NATO
SCO 1 - Charter of the SCO
SCO 2 - India and SCO
SCO 3 - India and Central Asia
SCO 4 - Is SCO a vehicle for human rights violations
SCO 5 - Modern history of Central Asian Republics - UNESCO project
The Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act 1990
The Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958
Hegde Commission 2013, Report on Manipur killings - AFSPA - Supreme Court
Amnesty International on India's AFSPA
Uranium Report 2016
SIPRI - Milex-constant-2015-USD
SIPRI - Military Expenditures - 2016
SIPRI - Trends-world-military-expenditure-2016 - TOPICWISE LECTURES
- Indian economy, Industrial revolution, American Civil War, Hinduism, Law of Torts, American recession, Universe and Solar System, Terrorism, American Civil War, IIM-CAT prep - Language/Quants, Bodhi Saar, Bodhi Sameeksha, and much more - amazing collection here!
Bodhi Shiksha channel - all our Open Free videos in one place - ECONOMIC SURVEY OF INDIA 2016-17 ( original docs at )
- Chapter - 01 - Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges
Chapter - 02 - The Economic Vision for Precocious, Cleavaged India
Chapter - 03 - Demonetisation: To Deify or Demonize?
Chapter - 04 - The Festering Twin Balance Sheet Problem
Chapter - 05 - Fiscal Framework The World is Changing, Should India Change Too
Chapter - 06 - Fiscal Rules Lessons from the States
##sun-o## Take the first solid step with Bodhi Pratham classroom course
Chapter - 07 - Clothes and Shoes Can India Reclaim Low Skill Manufacturing
Chapter - 08 - Review of Economic Developments
Chapter - 09 - Universal Basic Income A Conversation With and Within the Mahatma
Chapter - 10 - Income, Health, and Fertility Convergence Puzzles
Chapter - 11 - One Economic India For Goods and in the Eyes of the Constitution
Chapter - 12 - India on the Move and Churning New Evidence
Chapter - 13 - The Other Indias Two Analytical Narratives (Redistributive and Natural Resources) on States Development
Chapter - 14 - From Competitive Federalism to Competitive Sub-Federalism Cities as Dynamos - UNION BUDGET of INDIA 2017 ( original docs at )
- Key to Budget documents
Budget Highlights
Budget Speech of the Finance Minister
Budget at a glance
Annual Financial Statement
Finance Bill 2017
Memorandum explaining the provisions in Finance Bill 2017
Receipt Budget
Expenditure Profile
Expenditure Budget
##sun-o## Take the first solid step with Bodhi Pratham classroom course
Demands for Grants of Central Government
The Macro Economic Framework Statement
The Medium Term Fiscal Policy Statement
The Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement
Implementation of Budget Announcement 2016-17 - आर्थिक समीक्षा 2016-17 ( original docs at )
- अध्याय - 1 - आर्थिक संभावनाएं और नीतिगत चुनौतियां
अध्याय - 2 - समय पूर्व परिपक्व, बटें भारत के लिए आर्थिक स्वप्न
अध्याय - 3 - विमुद्रीकरणः वरदान मानें या अभिशाप?
अध्याय - 4 - द्वि तुलन पत्र की बिगड़ती समस्या
अध्याय - 5 - राजकोषीय रूपरेखाः विश्व बदल रहा है, क्या भारत को भी बदलना चाहिए?
अध्याय - 6 - राजकोषीय नियमः राज्यों से लिए गए सबक
अध्याय - 7 - कपड़े और जूतेः क्या भारत कम कौशल के विनिर्माण क्षेत्रों में जान फूंक सकता है?
अध्याय - 8 - आर्थिक घटनाक्रम की समीक्षा
##sun-o## Take the first solid step with Bodhi Pratham classroom course
अध्याय - 9 - सर्वजनीन बुनियादी आयः महात्मा के साथ और महात्मा के भीतर संवाद
अध्याय - 10 - आय, स्वास्थ्य और प्रजनन क्षमताः समाभिरूपता की उलझनें
अध्याय - 11 - एक आर्थिक भारतः वस्तुओं के लिए और संविधान की नजर में
अध्याय - 12 - गतिशील और मंथनशील भारत - नए साक्ष्य
अध्याय - 13 - ‘‘वे दूसरे वाले भारत‘‘- राज्यों के विकास संबंधी दो विश्लेषणात्मक विवरण पुनः वितरित और प्राकृतिक संसाधन
अध्याय - 14 - प्रतिस्पर्धी संघवाद से प्रतिस्पर्धी उप-संघवाद की ओरः परिवर्तन लाते शहर - Economic Survey and Union Budget Course
- केंद्रीय बजट 2017 - 18 ( original docs at )
- बजट पत्रों का संक्षिप्त परिचय
मुख्य विशेषताएं
बजट भाषण
बजट एक नजर में
वार्षिक वित्तीय विवरण
वित्त विधेयक 2017
उपबंधों का व्याख्यात्मक ज्ञापन
प्राप्ति बजट
व्यय की रूपरेखा
##sun-o## Take the first solid step with Bodhi Pratham classroom course
व्यय बजट
अनुदानों की मांगें
बृहद आर्थिक रूपरेखा विवरण
मध्यावधिक राजकोषीय नीति विवरण
राजकोषीय नीति कार्ययोजना विवरण
2016-2017 घोषणाओं के कार्यान्वयन की स्थिति - ECONOMY, STARTUPS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, COMPANIES, SERVICES, DIGITAL
- 1. Startups in India - A Report - Grant Thornton (2.8 mb pdf)
2. Startup outlook report 2017 - by InnoVen Capital (1 mb pdf)
##sun-o## Take the first solid step with Bodhi Pratham classroom course
Infosys Science Prize Winners 2016
McKinsey - India's digital opportunity - BODHI PRATHAM classroom course - your first solid step
- India Rankings 2017 - NIRF - Ministry of HRD
NIRF 2017 Engineering
NIRF 2017 Management
NIRF 2017 Pharmacy
NIRF 2017 Colleges
Yashpal Committee Report on Higher Education in India - ELECTIONS, REFORMS, POLITICAL FUNDING
- Election Commission of India - Proposed Electoral Reforms - 2017 (Comprehensive)
Election Commission - Reforms proposed
Law Commission of India - Report255 - Electoral Reforms
Main Highlights of Assembly Elections 2017
Assembly Elections 2017 - Uttarakhand Election Results Party Analysis
Assembly Elections 2017 - UP Election Results Party Analysis
Assembly Elections 2017 - Punjab Election Results Party Analysis
Assembly Elections 2017 - Manipur Election Results Party Analysis
Assembly Elections 2017 - Goa Election Results Party Analysis
Assembly Elections 2017 - UP Election Results - State & Constituency Analysis
Assembly Elections 2017 - Statewise number of electors
Assembly Elections 2017 - State wise seat won and valid votes polled by political party
Assembly Elections 2017 - Political Party wise seat won and valid votes polled in state
Assembly Elections 2017 - List of Successful Candidates
Assembly Elections 2017 - List of Political Parties Participated
Assembly Elections 2017 - Constituency (PC) wise summary table
Assembly Elections 2017 - Constituency data summary - ENVIRONMENT, ECOLOGY, CLIMATE CHANGE; POLLUTION, EMISSIONS
- Arctic Climate Issues - report by AMAP
Arctic Report - SWIPA - report by AMAP
Paris Agreement on climate change - Dec 2015
Progress Tracker - Paris Agreement on climate change
COP 22 - Marrakech - Plan of action
##book## Bodhi Revision - current affairs for exams
International Renewable Energy Agency - Rethinking Energy 2017 - report
Ennore Oil Spill 2017 assessment by ICMAMPD
Energy and Air Pollution - IEA - World Energy Report - Special - 2016
Govt. Notification for BS IV compliant 4-W motor vehicle introduction
India BS VI Policy Update - ICCT
India BS VI standards - ICRA
India Emissions Regulations - ARAI
The Plastic Industry Report 2016 - Financial Sector, FDI, Finance Ministry, Demonetisation, Cybersecurity, Bonds
- 1. Two Factor Mobile-based authentication - Research Paper
2. Draft Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill 2016
3. Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission - Report Part I - English
4. Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission - Report Part II - English
##newspaper-o## News analysis videos, Shrutis, content PDFs - Bodhi News
5. Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission - Report Part I - Hindi
6. Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission - Report Part II - Hindi
Assessing macroeconomic impact of DeMo - RBI - March 2017
Green Bonds - an HSBC report
India FDI Factsheet - 2017 - GDP, National Income, CSO, Sectors of Economy, Formal & Informal economy
- CSO - First Advance Estimates of GDP
India - Installed electricity capacity - CEA report 2017
MNRE - 2 year achievements - statistics - English - 2016
MNRE - 2 year achievements - statistics - Hindi - 2016
CSO - GDP - Second AE - Feb 2017
PPP in India - 2015 presentation
Indian oil and gas sector - HELP 2016
Indian oil and gas sector - NELP 2015
Ready Reckoner - Indian oil and gas sector - 2017 - Ministry of Petroleum & NG
CII Report - Informal markets in India 2014
Employment Challenges in India - NCEUS 2009
Employment Challenges in India - II - NCEUS 2009
National Statistical Commission - Report on informal sector in India - 2012 - PT's Vocabulary Development Course
- RERA - The Real Estate Regulation and Development Act, 2016 - English
RERA - Standing Committee Report on RERDB 2013
RERA - Select Committee Report on RERDB 2013 - IMF, OECD, U.N., WORLD BANK REPORTS (on multiple issues)
- WB Global Economic Prospects June 2017
IMF - World Economic Outlook 2017 - Update
World Bank - GDP figures worldwide - 2015
World Bank - Global Economic Prospects - 2017
OECD - India - 2017 - Economic Survey
IMF Article IV consultations 2017 - India
UN - report on urbanisation
UN - Global Migration Report 2015
UN DESA - Trends in Migration 2015
UNDP Human Development Report - Technical notes on Calculations
UNDP Human Development Report 2016 & HDI 2015
UNDP Human Development Report 2016 and HDI 2015 - Overview - INDIA - REGIONAL ISSUES, STATES COMPARISON
- North East - MoDONER Annual Report 2015-16
Constitutional Provisions for North East
Schedule VI of Indian Constitution
Economic Survey - States' fiscal positions 2015-16
Gross State Domestic Product GSDP - Indian states - 1991 to 2015
Handbook - Statistics on Indian States - RBI - 2015-16
India - Statewise fiscal indicators 2016 - INFRASTRUCTURE - AVIATION, ROADS & HIGHWAYS
- Aviation Industry - Fact Sheet
Aviation Industry - Passenger analysis - Jan 2017
IATA - Annual Review 2016
Regional Connectivity Scheme - GoI
UDAN Aviation - All Indian Airlines 10 year data - 2007-08 to 2015-16
UDAN Aviation - India traffic report 2017
Supreme Court - Triple Talaq judgement
The Muslim Personal Law Shariat Application Act 1937
The Indian Christian Marriage Act 1872
The Hindu Marriage Laws Amendment 2013
The Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Personal Laws of Religious Communities in India - an essay
Personal Laws and the Constitution in India - an essay
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986
The Shah Bano case judgement, 23-04-1985, Supreme Court
The Right to Privacy Harvard Law School Paper - 1890
Law Commission Report 230 - Judicial Reforms - August 2009
Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill 2012
The NJAC Act, 2014
The RBI Act, 1934
The MGNREGA Act, 2005
The Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law 2016, India
The Shah Bano case judgement, 23-04-1985, Supreme Court
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986
Second ARC report - Administrative Reforms
Volume 1 FRBM Review Committee Report Volume 1
Arbitration and Conciliation Amendment Act 2015 - Ministries of GoI, Health Policy, Aadhar, Public Policy, Subsidies, Poverty, UBI
- Basic concepts of Subsidies - by NIPFP
Subsidies An All India historical Perspective - 1994-95
Presentation by Chief Economic Advisor - Eco.Survey 2015-16
Aadhar UIDAI - First notification 2009
The Aadhar Act, 2016 - Gazette of India 26-03-2016
Aadhar - UIDAI - Statewise saturation reports - March 2017
Aadhar - Cost Benefit Analysis - NIPFP - 2012
National Health Policy 2017, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India
National Health Policy 2017 - Situation Analysis - Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India
UBI - Kela - Finland - Pocket Statistics 2016
UBI - Kela Finland - Statistical Yearbook - Social Insurance Institution 2015 - NAXALISM IN INDIA
- Naxalism - The ST and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006
Naxalism - FAQs - MHA site - English
Naxalism - FAQs - MHA site - Hindi
Naxalism - Guidelines for surrender and rehabilitation of Naxalites - English
Naxalism - Guidelines for surrender and rehabilitation of Naxalites - Hindi
Naxalism - LWE - Security expenditure related - English
Naxalism - LWE - Security expenditure related - Hindi
Naxalism - LWE - SIS Scheme - English
Naxalism - LWE - SIS Scheme - Hindi
Naxalism - LWE violence and deaths - English
Naxalism - LWE violence and deaths - Hindi
Naxalism - Central Scheme for Civilian Victims - Hindi - Free PT Boosters series - GK, Current Affairs, Quizzes, Vocab and more!
- 1. NITI Aayog - Model Land Leasing Act
2. 12th Five Year Plan - 2012-2017 - Vol I - English
3. 12th Five Year Plan - 2012-2017 - Vol II - English
4. 12th Five Year Plan - 2012-2017 - Vol III - English
Tonnes of Q and A for Self-Development and Knowledge
5. 12th Five Year Plan - 2012-2017 - Vol I - Hindi
6. 12th Five Year Plan - 2012-2017 - Vol II - Hindi
7. 12th Five Year Plan - 2012-2017 - Vol III - Hindi - RBI, SEBI, Inflation
- RBI - Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy - 2015-16
RBI - Gazette Notification by GoI - MPC constituted
RBI - Financial Stability Report June 2016
RBI - Financial Stability Report Dec 2016
RBI - Organisational Structure Jan 2017
RBI - Payments Banks - some FAQs and clarifications
RBI - Sixth bi-monthly MPC statement - Feb 2017
RBI - Feb 2017 statement
SEBI guidelines on Board Evaluation
Tonnes of Q and A for Self-Development and Knowledge
RBI MPC April 2017
Inflation - CPI numbers April 2017 - CSO - MoSPI
Inflation in India - historical perspective - Research paper
RBI- deployment of gross credit by Industry
RBI - deployment of gross credit by Sector
- 1. Master Resource - Rivers of India & World
2. Act 33 of 1956 - Inter State Water Disputes Act, and 1959 Rules
3. XII Plan Water paradigm shift - research paper - Planning Commission
4. Water Dispute Tribunal Awards and Legal instruments
5. India Pakistan Indus Water Treaty
Tonnes of Q and A for Self-Development and Knowledge - SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, SPACE RESEARCH (ISRO)
- SpaceX Vision - 2011
India plate movement - Shiva crater etc.
Tesla Motos - giving up the IPRs - Elon Musk
Bitcoin history - pdf by Satoshi Nakamoto
Bitcoin - Essays
ISRO Annual Report - 2016-17
ISRO Annual Report Hindi - 2016-17 - THINKERS AND INTELLECTUALS
- Fukuyama - Reflections on Chinese governance
Fukuyama - Is democracy in decline?
Annihilation of Caste - Dr B.R.Ambedkar
Satoshi Nakamoto - What is Bitcoin - USEFUL REPORTS - INDIA & WORLD (Corruption, EODB, Oxfam, ILO, NSSO, NABARD, ADB, Census)
- 1. Corruption Perception Index - 2014
2. Corruption Perception Index - 2015
3. India FDI report - April 2000 till Sept 2016 - DIPP
4. Ministry of External Affairs - Organogram
##newspaper-o## News analysis videos, Shrutis, content PDFs - Bodhi News
5. Ease of Doing Business 2016 - World Bank
6. Ease of Doing Business 2017 - World Bank
7. Oxfam Report - an economy for the 1 percent
8. Oxfam Reports - an economy for the 99 percent
9. Global Wealth Database - Credit Suisse
10. ILO - World Employment and Social Outlook 2017 - 4 page summary
11. ILO - World Employment and Social Outlook 2017 - full report
Bodhi Shiksha channel - all our Open Free videos in one place
12. UN-DESA Sustainable Development
13.1 NSSO Report - Highlights on women's situation in India
13.2 NSSO Report - Women in population
13.3 NSSO Report - Women health
13.4 NSSO Report - Women Literacy and Education
13.5 NSSO Report - Women in Workforce
13.6 NSSO Report - Women Participation in Decision-making
13.7 NSSO Report - Women - social obstacles
13.8 NSSO Report - Women - international perspectives
14. China - how the future may look like (Goldman Sachs)
15. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojana
16. NABARD - Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojana
17. Roman Studer - Study of Indian grain markets - 2007 paper
##sun-o## Take the first solid step with Bodhi Pratham classroom course
18. World Happiness Report 2017
19. Index of Economic Freedom 2017 - Heritage foundation
20. Sixth Economic Census of India 2015-16
21. ADB Asia Economic Integration report 2016 - WOMEN'S ISSUES, RIGHTS, LAWS
- Women's rights in India - an essay
Legal provisions for women in India
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955
National Commission for Women Act, 1990
Indian Penal Code 1860
Stagnation of female workforce in India - a research paper
Raising female workforce participation in India - OECD research paper
The U Feminization hypothesis - economic growth and female participation
Women workers in India - an IMF research paper
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986
##book## Bodhi Revision - current affairs for exams - WORLD POLITICS, CURRENT AFFAIRS, TERRORISM
- Syria Crisis - UNICEF paper - 2016
Consequences of Brexit
The Rohingyas - UN SC - NATO paper
Understanding the United Nations - a comprehensive resource page
India - Africa Summit 2015 - MEA document
Israel-Palestine - Settlements issue - restrictions (17 MB pdf)
US Intelligence report on Trump and Russia, Jan 2017
Munich Security Conference 2017 - NATO - US - Trump
Getting Bin Laden
Global-Terrorism-Index-2016 Report
Human Rights Watch - 2017 report
Trump-EO-Refugees-Travel Ban order 2017
Trump-EO-Interior Enforcement order 2017
New Colombo Plan - Govt of Australia
The Kurdish problem in Turkey - CIA report 1948 - WORLD TRADE, WTO, TFA, Trade Pacts
- 1. WTO Basics (1.3 MB)
2. WTO - Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA - Protocol document
3. WTO - Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA - Brochure
4. WTO - Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA - The whole journey
5. WTO - World Trade Report (10 MB)
##sun-o## Take the first solid step with Bodhi Pratham classroom course - TOPICWISE LECTURES
- Indian economy, Industrial revolution, American Civil War, Hinduism, Law of Torts, American recession, Universe and Solar System, Terrorism, American Civil War, IIM-CAT prep - Language/Quants, Bodhi Saar, Bodhi Sameeksha, and much more - amazing collection here!
Bodhi Shiksha channel - all our Open Free videos in one place
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